When you are looking at alternative sources of electricity supply or to make your property greener, then solar electrical installations are the way forward.
Solar Battery Storage installers in Leeds
With a decreased or zero reliance on the national grid, these systems can be standalone solutions to each properties electrical needs.
As your local SOLAR BATTERY INSTALLER IN LEEDS, we are the ‘go to’ experts for any solar needs that you may have. Feel free to look around our website and blog articles to learn more about what we do.
What do solar batteries do?
Solar batteries receive the electricity that is generated from the solar panels and store it for later use. In domestic properties, it is common for no-one to be home during the day to use the electricity that is being generated. This leads to potential wasted electricity which could be stored for use when people get home.
Solar panels work best during the peak hours of daylight and most electricity is produced at this time. With a battery system the electricity can be stores for later use
Can batteries be added to existing solar panels?
Yes, solar batteries can be added to existing panels. This is a great idea to provide storage for power that has been produced or to provide additional storage to an existing battery.
What is an inverter? What does it do?
When electricity is stored in batteries, it is done so in a form that is incompatible with our home electrical equipment. There are two types of electrical current when it comes to electricity, equipment, and supplies.
Alternating current and Direct Current.
Alternating current is what we are used to and is what the equipment in our home generally expects to run on.
Direct Current is the battery stored form and is what everything in our cars and vehicles uses.
Solar panels produce direct current and therefore it is easily stored in solar batteries in the same form but when it comes to be used in our homes electrical system it needs converting into AC.
That is where an inverter comes in. The inverter takes the direct current and produces an alternating current to supply our homes with the electricity that they need.
The process of converting DC into AC is fairly efficient so minimal losses are experienced when converting from one type of electrical current to another.
Where can batteries be installed?
Due to improvements in battery technology, they have become smaller and generally more compact. This is fantastic news for installation as it means that previously impossible spaces can now be used for battery storage.
Solar batteries can be installed almost anywhere so long as there are no breaches to the installation guidelines or wiring regulations.
Generally speaking, the more comfortable the environment for us the more comfortable it will be for our solar batteries too. This means that outside installation locations will have to be chosen carefully as adverse weather conditions and extreme temperatures can affect the batteries performance and life span.
Indoor locations are normally best for solar battery installation.
What affects battery lifespan?
The lifespans of batteries will vary greatly depending upon their installation location, frequency of total battery discharge and the load that is regularly placed upon them. We will always discuss your electrical requirements before carrying out installation to ensure that you have the battery system that is ideal for your circumstances.
As the local SOLAR BATTERY INSTALLER IN LEEDS, we can assist you with any enquiries efficiently. If you would like more information on Solar battery installation then please get in touch and we will happily answer any questions that you may have.